Feb 14, 2020
Neurosis concept with Simone Patrice Anderson by Dennis Gatz
“Neurosis refers to a class of functional mental disorder involving distress but not delusions or hallucinations, where behavior is not outside socially acceptable norms. It is also known as psychoneurosis or neurotic disorder.” - Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior
We are preoccupied with the mundane. We are desperately addicted to our phones, routines, and rituals. We find that we are clutching at these things because they are familiar. We cannot come to terms with the unknown known or the unknown unknown; the inevitable truth of our individual mortality - otherwise we’ll plunge into our own version of neurosis.
“[We] prefer the security of known misery to the misery of unfamiliar insecurity.” - Sheldon Kopp.
A nearly impossible feat but one worth undertaking is unshackling from the security of ignorance. Once this journey of freedom begins, the universe and all its possibilities become available.
Dennis Gatz
Simone and Paul in Studio | The Editing Process
This image was inspired by a book I’m currently reading, “If you Meet The Buddha on The Road, Kill Him.” by Sheldon Kopp.
Like most people, my mind interprets reading or listening to music using imagery. As I read this book, I envisioned someone mindlessly scrolling on their phone, completely oblivious to their fall into another dimension.
I invited Simone to help me bring this image to life. We discussed the logistics of how we would make her “plummet” which included a failed attempt to levitate. A ton of fun nonetheless.